По отношение на акселерометрите мнението ми е доста размито, поради редицата статии "за и против". Основно чета статиите на William Premerlani ( http://www.google.bg/url?sa=t&source...0pvaFQ&cad=rja и другите му статии и блогове, примерно http://diydrones.com/profile/WilliamPremerlani ).
Ето и пасажа, който е доста объркващ:
Acceleration. An accelerometer measures gravity minus
acceleration. The acceleration is equal to the total of all of the
aerodynamic forces (lift, thrust, drag, etc.) on the plane, plus the
gravity force, divided by the mass. Therefore, the accelerometer
measures the negative of the total of all of the aerodynamic forces.
The measurement of gravity is what is needed to level the plane but
that is not what you get out of an accelerometer during accelerated
motion. Acceleration is a confounding variable. In particular, when
the aircraft pitches up or down, for a short while it accelerates in
such a way that the output of an accelerometer does not change.
There is a similar effect that the NASA astronauts experience when
they are in training planes. A ballistic path can produce zero net
forces and therefore fool accelerometers temporarily. The
combination of this issue and the previous one prevented really tight
pitch control, and this issue prevented the use of pitch stabilization
during a hand launch.

//край на цитата

Също така, забравих да те питам за избора ти на датчик за налягане - реши ли да ползваш? Ако да, дали си се спрял на някакъв?

По отношение на компаса, мисля на този етап да не го мисля. При един достатъчно добър GPS, явно не си струва.