Дословно от "извора"... :


Hi Nick,
The drawing on your IMU is not right. Here is what happened, I think:


Accelerometers measure gravity minus acceleration. The response to gravity has the opposite sign to the response to acceleration. If you look at the documentation for the accelerometer, you will see there is a picture for acceleration, and a picture for gravity, and the signs are exactly opposite. For MatrixPilot, we treat gravity as the signal of interest for roll-pitch correction. You have the IMU labeled for acceleration. So, the labels for all three axes of the accelerometer are flipped in the drawing on your IMU, with respect to the gravity axes.


The Z axis is flipped in your drawing. I am not sure how that might have happened.

Best regards,

//край на цитата//

След една-две консултации, заедно оправихме конфигурационния файл, заящото не е необходимо каквото и да било пипане по хардуера. Фърма има възможността да се пригажда до голяма степен към хардуера.

П.П. ...става дума за жироскопите на Invensense и новото IMU, а не за жироскопите и акселерометъра на старото IMU !!!